CIM Wales Branding Forum attendees

In today's saturated marketplace, where consumers are bombarded with endless choices, a strong brand has never been more crucial for marketers.

A good brand will connect beyond a recognisable logo, but an excellent brand distinguishes a product/service from the competition and can emotionally connect for decades.  

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, the role of branding transcends beyond aesthetic appearance and taglines; it becomes the cornerstone marketers rely on to deliver on strategy, drive engagement and influence purchase decisions in profound ways.

With this in mind, it’s no wonder the CIM Wales Branding Forum on Tuesday 2nd July 2024 was a sell-out event.

Opening the event, Chris Daly, the Chief Executive of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), shared his inspiring vision for the organisation. Chris emphasised the dual nature of the marketing sector, noting that while it is often "easy to get into, it’s hard to do well." He highlighted the importance of professional accreditation through the CIM, which offers a rigorous framework and set of standards that support and elevate the skills of marketers. Chris underscored that being an accredited marketer with the CIM is not just a credential but a mark of distinction that many of the industry's top professionals have achieved. He expressed his commitment to ensuring that the CIM continues to foster excellence, innovation, and ethical practices within the marketing community. Chris finished with an overview of the new qualifications CIM has launched to support marketers drive their careers. 

As each presenter took to the stage throughout the day,  they provided the audience with a range of in-depth insights into the journey companies take to identify their brand and tone of voice. Despite the varied approaches, some key themes emerged consistently throughout the day: Collaboration, Inclusion, and Patience

You can't do it alone

One of the most resonant messages from all speakers was the importance of collaboration in brand development. Branding is not a solo endeavour. It requires the collective effort of an entire organisation, from the marketing team to customer service, product development, and beyond. Speakers emphasised that involving a wide range of perspectives not only enriches a brand but also ensures it resonates with a broader audience.

You need to involve your teams

Building on the theme of collaboration, the speakers highlighted the necessity of involving teams in the brand development process. It's crucial to foster an inclusive environment where team members feel they have a stake in the brand's identity. This approach not only helps in uncovering unique insights but also ensures that the brand is consistently represented across all touchpoints.

Brand development takes time

Patience is a virtue, particularly in brand development. The speakers stressed that creating a strong, authentic brand is a gradual process that cannot be rushed. It involves research, experimentation, and iteration. Companies must be willing to invest the necessary time to refine their brand and ensure it truly reflects their values and resonates with their audience.

Further highlights and slidedecks from the speakers:

Jo Lilford, Founder of Run Jump Fly ltd - 'But how do you make them feel?' SLIDES

Jo was the first of the speakers and led with an inspiring brand presentation on “But how does it make you feel?”. Jo reminded us that lots of organisations don’t have a “Disney” budget and shared compelling examples of how your brand can be represented everywhere, from your out of office notification to your answer phone message.

Gethin Jones, Marketing Lead, Amgueddfa Cymru - Evolution of a cultural brand SLIDES

Gethin took us on a journey through the stages of the recent brand development for Amgueddfa Cymru. He provided valuable insights into the process of supporting the Welsh language with the new Welsh only name.  Gethin’s session was particularly enlightening for those looking to establish a consistent and authentic heritage brand.

Nathan Harrington, Head of Brands, Aldermore Bank - Building a brand takes more than a promise SLIDES

Nathan’s presentation highlighted the importance of internal teams in shaping a brand. He stated “if we don’t believe it, we can’t deliver it”, emphasising the need to inspire team members on a brands journey.  He shared an illustrative example where cross-departmental collaboration led to a successful internal brand event.

Anna Lewis, Director, Marsden_Mee - The Power of Good: the rise of ethnical brands SLIDES

Anna explored the long-term nature of ethically focused brands. She discussed how conscious brands are powering ahead in the market place, establishing purpose and values at the forefront of their brand development. Anna highlighted the need for consistent storytelling to build a brand that stands the test of time.

Simon Rowe, Vice President of Mitre & Global Sports Marketing, Pentland Brands - Values and Cause Based Partnerships SLIDES

Simon brought a partnership perspective to the event, discussing how alignment and real-world problem solving can enhance a brand’s presence. Simon provided case studies of their sub brands successfully working with collaborators to reinforce their market position and engage with customers. Further referencing the B Corp movement and how this has been successfully added into marketing strategies.

Andy Rudd, Founder, ARC Commercial Solutions - Brands don't matter SLIDES

Andy presented an engaging talk on the human side of branding. He emphasised the power of bringing employees on the journey, using examples of big brands that failed to engage employees with devastating result.  Andy’s session was a reminder that at its heart, branding is about building relationships and solving human problems.

Tom Lloyd, Co-founder and Creative Director, Toward - A new voice for Liberty SLIDES

Tom walked the audience through a real-life case study of how they took a Welsh brand back to its core values and meaning. A captivating talk that showed the importance of checking, reflecting and challenging your brands meaning as a business evolves and grows. Tom highlighted how all touch points of a brand need to connect the business dots to succeed.

Katie Dulake, Head of Brand, Admiral Group PLC - Measuring brand health: Tracking the metrics that matter SLIDES 

Kate finished the event with a deep dive into the analytical side of branding. Kate talked about the importance of data in understanding brand performance and making informed decisions. Kate’s presentation demonstrated how measuring a brand’sperformance supports its purpose and financial commitments to Boards and stakeholders.

Reflecting on the event, Gavin Davies, Chair of CIM Wales comments:

“I was delighted by the range of speakers and topics at our recent branding forum. Their diverse perspectives and expertise in different market sectors were incredibly valuable to the capacity audience. Understanding brand and branding is as crucial for marketers today as it always has been because strong brands set you apart from competitors, builds customer loyalty, and drives business success. Our speakers provided great insights to help guide Welsh marketers create more effective and memorable brands.”

This event was a powerful reminder of the complexities and rewards of brand development. The insights shared by our speakers highlighted that building a brand is a collaborative, inclusive, and time-intensive process.

We hope the knowledge shared during this event will inspire and guide marketers. 

Written by Laura Aherne, Millrace Marketing