Are you making the most of AI in your marketing?

We don't need to start this article by asking if you are using AI in your marketing because it is almost certain that AI has infiltrated your marketing efforts in some form or another.

In fact, as we heard from Robert in our most recent event on AI and the metaverse, AI has been part of the tech stack used by marketers for many years.

But the real question is, are you truly maximising the potential of your AI?

46% of marketers report feeling overwhelmed by the prospect of integrating AI into their daily marketing operations. However, understanding how to make the most of what AI has to offer could be the key to transforming your marketing team into an efficient and effective operation.

For some time now, Netflix has been using AI to drive higher conversion rates on films by showing you the same movie with different artwork based on your genre preferences.

For many years, Amazon has been using predictive AI to present the right products at the right time in your journey to increase conversion rates.

Spotify is a testament to the long-term benefits of AI in marketing. They have been combining their email marketing with their listeners' musical preferences, personalising their communication and enhancing the listener experience.

Obviously, we are not all working with massive tech brands with significant budgets, teams of developers and content creators who can maximise every ounce of AI expertise to drive our operation.

However, with the right planning and a good understanding of the benefits, it is possible to introduce AI into your marketing operations regardless of your business size.

So here are a few things to consider when pulling together your AI strategy.

AI Marketing

AI Audit

As with all good plans, it is essential to understand your current situation. So, spend some time auditing your existing tech stack as well as your and your team's capabilities regarding AI.

For some, a lack of understanding will lead to opposition before you even attempt to present your ideas.

There may be members of your team who are fearful of the introduction of further AI solutions and how that might impact their jobs. For others, the introduction of further tech that they are not familiar with can cause unease.

That said, 62% of senior marketers have prioritised hiring staff with AI expertise, so while it is important to develop and grow your existing team, it is worth considering who you could add to your team to help with this transition.

It is also worth understanding the mindset of your senior leadership with regard to AI. For some, there is a fear of the unknown, investing in systems that can be difficult to see the immediate ROI.

It is also vital to understand the data available to use. AI is dependent on good-quality data, so if your systems are full of poor data or there is a lack of data available, this might be a step you need to address before you take the next step with any AI tools.

So, as part of your audit, while it is important to understand your current tech situation, it is vital to assess the mood of the potential audience you need to convince.


Again, no good plan can begin without a set of objectives. Your strategy must start with an end goal in mind, which should be manageable. While ambition is good, there needs to be some level of realism involved.

It might be helpful to pick one area of your marketing operation where AI could have the most impact and to focus on that rather than trying to achieve everything at once.

For instance, start by focusing on using AI in your advert writing and content optimisation. Identify goals you would like to achieve and build from there.

Tool Up

Now you know what you want to achieve with your AI, it is vital to pick the right tools to help you. The number of AI tools is growing daily, and marketing is a wash with tech that can make your job easier.

However, one key thing to consider is integrating with other tools you might be using, like your CRM.

While the sales team will undoubtedly call you about the latest tech and may be very persuasive about the benefits, if it doesn't link to your core systems, this will cause you problems in the future.

Unless the tech stack is integrated, you are opening yourself up to a world of difficulties when it comes to reporting, GDPR, and cyber security.

The other thing to think about is brand protection and copywriting. As we found out in our discussion at March's Marketing in the Metaverse event from Robert Gillespie, you need to be mindful of your brand and the prompts you ask in any NLP because once the data is in any open-source system, it will be recalled for any future prompts from anyone else using the system. 

So do your research and ensure you have the right tool for the job and that it works with your other tech.

AI Marketing

Test and Analyse

As with all digital marketing, you must have a regular testing and analysis process. You are not only testing to identify whether your marketing has been successful but also to identify how much more effective your approach has been versus a human-led compared to a human-led operation.

So refer back to your objectives, agree on a timescale and present your findings.

Remember, as part of your audit, you identified the key audiences you needed to convince with this insight. So, tailor your message to your audience. Don't get overly technical with an audience that just wants topline stats, and don't skirt over the detail for those who need to understand the data behind the findings.

Inspire AI Innovation

AI can make a massive difference to the marketing of your organisation, but it will take time and consistent innovation to find the right level of support for your team.

And it is important to remember that it doesn't always have to be driven by management. Inspire your team to innovate and find the right solutions for your team and before you know it, you will be super-charging your marketing with the support of the right artificial intelligence.