Inside Scoop: Career Insights from the Committee

Delia Mertoiu

In this series, we get up close and personal with Greater London Committee members, delving into their career insights and experiences. Our latest guest is Events Ambassador Delia Mertoiu. Check it out!

Has your membership with The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) contributed to or supported your career progression in any specific ways?
Yes, indeed! Being a member of CIM has been instrumental in boosting my status as a serious and accomplished marketeer. As a chartered body, CIM is a highly respected organisation and to me, it is much more than just a badge on my LinkedIn profile or a footnote in my CV. Membership has helped me to demonstrate my competence and credibility as a marketing professional to my current employer and this has led to increased responsibilities and promotion. So CIM membership has definitely been a win-win for both myself and my employer.

Did you find training courses offered by CIM interesting?
I'm not easily impressed, especially with a master's degree and a decade under my marketing belt. However, I found CIM's courses to be both engaging and pragmatic. They didn't just throw information at me; they hooked me up with relevant articles and topical case studies. They clearly understand the value of providing marketing knowledge that is steeped in the real world and can be applied practically.

How have you leveraged the networking opportunities provided by CIM to enhance your career? Can you share an example of a valuable connection you made through CIM?
Good networking is definitely a critical success factor! CIM events aren't just about shaking hands and collecting business cards; they're about making connections that matter. Take, for instance, the recent CIM London event on 'AI Marketing and Advertising Trends for 2024’. Not only did I rub shoulders with potential partners and clients, but I also met two lovely students, Lia Martinez Fernandez and Michela Spotti, who were incredibly helpful by helping me capture the evening's essence through their fantastic photography skills. We are already firm friends and they have offered to help me with future events.

Can you describe a time when you faced a professional challenge, and how your CIM membership supported you in overcoming it?
Picture this: I mainly work in B2B events marketing, and I was looking to guide some of my SME clients on reducing their carbon footprint. Just on cue, CIM was running a live podcast in London on July 04 2022 at which I met and learned from the established sustainability marketing guru, Gemma Butler. From this fortuitous encounter, I was able to compile a comprehensive pack of information for my clients and also wrote a summary for CIM Catalyst magazine (Catalyst, Issue 04 2022). All in all, an amazing and rewarding experience.

How do you plan to maximise the benefits of your CIM membership?
I consider my CIM membership a secret weapon for professional growth. Every year, I create a personal development plan for myself inspired by my favourite painter Van Gogh who always experimented with new techniques (minus the ear-cutting part!). For 2024 I've crafted a personal plan with several goals: hitting the coveted CIM Member grade, contributing to CIM London board activities, and regularly feasting on the latest marketing insights in the Catalyst magazine. Brace yourself - you might just see my byline pop up again soon!

Kamila Miller ACIM Chartered Marketer
Communications Ambassador CIM Greater London Committee