Studying: decode Foundation Certificate terminology

Some descriptionSome descriptionThere are 35 command words at Foundation Certificate level. These command words have precise meanings within CIM assignment briefs and exam questions. By identifying and understanding this important study terminology, you’ll be better able provide answers that exactly reflect what you’re being asked to do, and keep the CIM Examiner happy.

Understand command words

In the third of a series of articles, Jon Twomey from Student Support Group looks at some of the most commonly used command words at Foundation level (marketing support role – CIM study level 3). Here we consider the meaning of five key terms together with a sample assignment question that’s used this wording in the past. The sample questions were randomly selected from a mixture of recent Customer Communications & Digital Essentials assignment briefs. A top tip is provided in responding to these sample questions. The full list of command words, by CIM Study level, is available at MyCIM


Set out the characteristics (of something).

Assignment example

“Describe how the Internet has affected the way customers find information and buy products and services.”   

Top tip!

Show your understanding of the ways that the Internet has changed customers online search and purchasing behaviour.


Set out purposes or reasons (for something).

Assignment example

“Describe methods for segmenting your chosen organisation’s market, including how segmentation can help meet customers’ needs and focus marketing activities.”

Top tip!

Identify ways of segmenting your market that will help focus your marketing mix to satisfy customers.


Present principle points without detail.

Assignment example

“Summarise how your chosen organisation might use sales promotions to prompt purchase, increase spend or retain customers.”

Top tip!

State the main characteristics and key points from a range of sources.


Judge from available evidence

Assignment example

“Evaluate the benefits and challenges of using each of the tools that make up the marketing communications mix.”

Top tip!

Weigh up the pros and cons of each communication tool.


Put forward proposals, supported by a clear rationale.

Assignment example

“Recommend two online techniques available to your chosen organisation, to gain a better understanding of customers.”

Top tip!

Make clear suggestions and justify your choices.

Overall tip

As well as responding correctly to command words, make sure that you create a strong base for all your assignment or exam answers using cited marketing theories, concepts, frameworks, models, checklists in your answers. Then apply these to the organisation of your choice in the context set. Don’t forget to provide evidence of evaluation when required.

Past papers and Senior Examiner reports are also available on MyCIM to help you appreciate what is expected of you.   

Study support

As a member of the CIM’s Greater London Region you can also use the free revision planning helpline from the Student Support Group which has helped more than 20,000 marketers gain their professional qualifications. Call Caroline on 01784 463057 for guidance or email

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