Exploring the Connection Between Neuroscience and AI

Artificial Intelligence. Wherever you look on the internet, you’re sure to find a debate on the threats and opportunities of implementing AI - as well as examples of good and bad practice! The use of AI within marketing campaigns have become a hot topic within the marketing world… and beyond. As Marketers, staying updated and adapting to changes in the digital landscape whilst staying true to Consumer Wants is a balance that’s critical for success.

February’s CIM Webinar presented the perfect opportunity to learn from an expert on how knowledge of human understanding can be used in juxtaposition with AI to make or break an effective campaign. The session was led by Neuroscience and Marketing expert, Joseph Cox (Director of Neuromarketing, Analytics and Strategy at Dentsu). Joseph explored the powerful connection between Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence in marketing and how it can be used to our advantage. By investing wisely in time, budget and learning at a campaign’s outset, AI can be used in conjunction with our understanding of how the human brain works in order to transform creative strategies and maximise ROI.


“Media may be the message, but creative makes the story”

Joseph kickstarted the session by explaining firstly how the brain works and secondly how creative content impacts the brain. We know that emotion is often the key to a successful campaign, but did you know that the brain drives emotional responses that can influence up to 80% of marketing-driven sales? The importance of emotionally resonant campaigns was emphasised, noting that 50% of campaigns fail because they leave audiences feeling nothing. As decisions are largely emotionally led, it’s therefore crucial to ensure that marketing campaigns resonate on an emotional level.


Subconscious Advertising - A Blend of Art and Science

Decision-making is not driven by one system. There are so many different mechanics that influence how we think and interact, including effort valuation, choice probability and reward magnitude… just to name a few! Marketers often use trials and focus groups to conduct research ahead of allocating ad and creative spend. Joseph explained that conditions in trials don’t always replicate the setting of where people would find themselves at home. This is where an understanding of Neuroscience and the subconscious mind can help in testing creative. Joseph touched on the differences between System 1 and System 2 Thinking. System 1 Thinking is fast and intuitive thinking that operates with little to no effort. This mode allows humans to make quick decisions based on previously learnt patterns and experiences. By contrast, System 2 Thinking is a much slower mode which requires deliberate and intentional effort. By taking us on a journey of the amazing brain, Joseph highlighted all the triggers that contribute to System 1 Thinking and how this can be taken into account when looking at brand creative in marketing.


Winning and Sustaining Attention

Participants learned strategies to capture and retain customer attention - strategies that are crucial in today’s fragmented media landscape. We learnt that humans like the use of people and faces as a focal point within creative. Subsequently, we also discovered how to leverage the use of faces to keep attention focused within creative assets - steering consumers to the all important Call to Action and brand recognition. By highlighting the use of novelty and simple puzzles for a dopamine kick, the webinar also covered innovative ways to enhance engagement and top of mind consideration.


AI-Driven Creative Optimisation

So where does AI fit in? A key takeaway from the session was the ability of AI in testing creative iterations in seconds. AI testing and learning can accelerate testing timeframes and Neuroscience knowledge, ensuring that creative can keep pace with market trends. By leveraging neuroscience, human understanding and an understanding of AI tools, marketers can develop several different versions of creative at pace leading to a higher probability of eliciting the right neurological responses. This in turn leads to more impactful and memorable brand interactions which stay in consumers' long-term memories. Joseph highlighted the AI solutions being developed by Dentsu and how this new technology can be used to enhance the outputs of a Marketing team and most importantly, mitigate risk whilst justifying marketing spend allocation.


Feedback and Takeaways



Attendees left the session equipped with actionable strategies to:

  • Enhance creative effectiveness using neuroscience and AI.
  • Optimize marketing spend allocation by tying creative quality to sales
  • outcomes.
  • Use positive emotional triggers and tools effectively within campaigns
  • to encourage engagement and influence consumer decisions.
  • Navigate the challenges of fragmented media and increasing
  • competition.
  • Invest in AI testing to ensure that a creative campaign works before
  • spending a lot on media
  • Keeping a human in the system is key to success!

To find more about or connect with Joseph and the work of Dentsu, you can visit his LinkedIn.

Keep an eye out for more sessions in the CIM Express Lunchtime Bitesize Webinar Series as the CIM continues to bring you all you need to know about the latest trends and insights in marketing.